In 1987, when to me was not executed yet of ten years, the mum has purchased
to me a calendar the next year with a nice dog. By the way, due to this
calendar, not only mine has appeared hobby, but I have learned to draw,
as many times copied a picture (those years our family lived in Primorsky
kray). The mum occasionally purchased to me a calendar, as these small
cards with cheerful pictures very much have liked to me, and I began them
to collect them. Yes, yes to collect, as in that time we, I and my girlfriends,
collected all the contract. So, except for calendars, I collected cards,
wrapper from sweets, the marks, tags, match labels (hardly later even
labels from bottles with lemonade (removed which one steeping a bottle)
and spirituous (someone from the friends has given me the whole autopodium
of new labels from bottles from under fault and vodka). From all this
diversity of children's collections remained only wrapper from sweets,
and the remaining small children's collections lie in rectangular approach
traffic patterns, resembling about childhood.
The time on the sly went, but the entrainment severe yet was not, though
the collection filled up. My parents purchased the calendars to me, and
I varied with the girlfriends. And one of the girlfriends always exchange
made together with the mum, which one, as now it seems, was the collector.
She had huge box, where the calendars lied in separate envelopes analyzed
on years and subjects. (At this time we lived in Crimea).
The largest updating of a collection in childhood descended then, when
we went in holiday. There is enough often we flied to Tadjikistan, where
in that time lived my grandmother and grandfather. The airplane did landing
in of Mineral Waters. In an airport there was a wonderful rack, where
is a lot of calendars - pouring, volumetric and "smooth" was
sold, as I called them then. Circulation of such calendars was large,
and they are for many collectors. So there was a time, and on the sly
collection filled up.
Then, when the student's years have begun, the updating was extremely
sluggish - some pieces annually at that random. I did not know other collectors
absolutely, to vary there was nobody, and in sale there were not so many
calendars. (the Student's years have passed basically in Vladivostok).
When I began to work (Now I live in Saratov), in sale already has appeared
more views of calendars, and I occasionally purchased them. The main time
of purchases - since October till January. Then, when I have married,
in updating of a collection to me began to help my husband. But still
there was nobody, with whom it was possible to vary. The computer and
Internet - has appeared and I have found the adherents. The collection
began to grow notably faster, and in the beginning of this year (2004)
she has grown twice, due to my husband, which one has made to me a gift,
when has purchased a large collection of calendars.